Vedic Threads Third Trimester 2024


Join us in a heartfelt exploration of Indian wisdom traditions with Vedic Threads, a membership-based course by Satsangam, co-facilitated by Drs. Ramkumar and Claudia Welch. From September to December 2024, our program includes Amar Ramesh's session on the cultural significance of Tamil Nadu's mandapams, a 2-year anniversary celebration featuring cameo appearances by Dr. Robert Svoboda and Dr. Shubham Kulkarni, and a discussion on dharma in modern contexts with Hanuman Dass of Go Dharmic. Additionally, Rose Baudin will delve into the lives of Abhinavagupta and Lal Ded, exploring their impact on philosophy, poetry, and yoga.

Death & Dying

This course--co-taught by Drs. Shubham Kulkarni, Robert Svoboda and Claudia Welch, invites participants to explore the universal process of death through a blend of Indian wisdom traditions, and end-of-life care practices. It offers a rich exploration of the emotional and spiritual dimensions associated with dying, aiming to transform personal fears into opportunities for spiritual growth. Participants will learn about philosophical perspectives on death, the stages of death, and practical, ethical considerations in end-of-life care. The course also emphasizes compassionate support, self-care for caregivers, and the role of music therapy, providing a comprehensive understanding of death from multiple perspectives.

Interconnectedness of Indian Wisdom Traditions

Sivananda Ashram Bahamas Nassau, Bahamas

Join the Satsangam LLC team in beautiful Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat in Nassau, Bahamas, to explore the cultural, spiritual, philosophical, scientific and artistic context in which Indian wisdom traditions like yoga and Ayurveda exist. We will all be fed vegetarian food, have daily yoga classes, sessions with the Satsangam team and time in the ocean and sun, all in the harmonious environment of an ashram that welcomes all religions, faiths, and humans.

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