Join us for our 4th Satsangam Retreat in Taos, New Mexico to delve into the therapeutic dimensions of storytelling. The retreat is designed for those who cherish stories, as well as for anyone seeking to understand how to construct or choose stories that act as the right medicine in varied situations.
Throughout this engaging healing retreat, participants will explore how various principles of Ayurveda apply to storytelling, and how to identify the therapeutic potential of narratives. We will explore how to discern whether a story is stabilizing (bṛṃhaṇa) or activating (laṅghana); how it can be tailored to pacify vāta, pitta, or kapha imbalances; how it relates to sattva, rajas and tamas and other traditional concepts, like the five vāyus. Participants will leave with an enhanced ability to determine the healing properties of stories, recognize those suitable for specific individuals, and enrich their therapeutic toolbox with new, meaningful stories. This is an invitation to immerse in the profound legacy of the Indian tradition of storytelling (Kathā Paramparā) and discover the potent blend of storytelling and Ayurveda as a tool for healing and connection.
Scott Blossom, who has thirty years of studying Haṭha Yoga including more than 20 years studying forms of yogic practice based on South Indian yogic, dance, and martial traditions, will lead us in movement, breathing, and meditation practices.