Blog 1
ऋ॒तं च॑ स॒त्यं चा॒भी॑द्धा॒त्तप॒सोऽध्य॑जायतṛtaṃ ca satyaṃ cābhīddhāt tapaso ‘dhy ajāyataTruth [...]
ऋ॒तं च॑ स॒त्यं चा॒भी॑द्धा॒त्तप॒सोऽध्य॑जायतṛtaṃ ca satyaṃ cābhīddhāt tapaso ‘dhy ajāyataTruth [...]
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All Satsangam’s offerings are for educational purposes only. Satsangam and its instructors do not prescribe anything, including diets, herbs, meditation practices, mantras, or spiritual practices. We share information or practices and our experience.