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Dr. Mala Kapadia, Director, Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Anaadi Foundation, Palani, Tamil Nadu, Bharat joins Drs. Ramkumar & Claudia Welch–and Satsangam’s Vedic Threads community to discuss how the pandemic era has created, unveiled and exacerbated mental health concerns that persist. It has been a strong wake-up call to humanity. In the post-Covid, “new normal”, we are prompted to evaluate the strength of our health, happiness and immunity, and question how we are living and what indeed is and supports these things.

Ayurveda, the science of life, provides insights to help us explore these things.

It describes four possible conditions of life — āyuhita (healthy wellbeing), sukha (happy) ahita (diseased) and duḥkha (unhappy). Ayurveda teaches us how to create hita āyu, as only then can sukha āyu be experienced. Once we understand these principles, we can apply them to collective, global health as well as individual health.

We welcome you to join us in heartfelt conversation on these themes, in our twice-monthly Vedic Threads membership-based course. For 35 USD/month you have access to two live 1.5-hour sessions/month with Drs. Ramkumar, Welch, world-class guest instructors, dedicated participants from all over the world, and more than 45 hours of content from previous sessions. Schedule details available on your class page after registration.
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