Learning and living within a paramparā (tradition), leads one to develop a certain worldview or vision of reality (dṛṣṭi), which informs our role and actions in the world. For two thousand years, India saw great prosperity in part due to the prevalent individual and collective dṛṣṭi of that time. The colonial regime changed the underlying dṛṣṭi of her education system which resulted in her impoverishment at various levels. Dr. Anuradha Choudry joins us in Vedic Threads, Satsangam’s membership-based course, to explore the role of paramparā (tradition) & dṛṣṭi (perspective, worldview, vision) in ancient vs. modern education, to consider what has been lost, and what we might wish to restore.
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The Role Of Paramparā & Dṛṣṭi In Education
August 1, 2024
We welcome you to join us in heartfelt conversation on the context in which Indian wisdom traditions exist in Vedic Threads. For 35 USD/month you have access to two live 1.5-hour sessions/month with Drs. Ramkumar, Welch, world-class guest instructors, dedicated participants from all over the world, and more than 45 hours of content from previous sessions. Schedule details available on your class page after registration.