Rāga cikitsa: Music as therapy Part II.

Discussion with Dr. Shubham Kulkarni on the role of rāga (often translated as, “desire” or, “passion”) as both cause and cure of disease.

Vedic Remedies for Modern Spiritual Crises

Identifying, Navigating & Resolving Disequilibrium Through the Lens of Daivavyapāśraya (Treatment of Spiritual Maladies). Live event in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Join Drs. Ramkumar & Welch–hosts of Satsangam’s Vedic Threads membership course– with special guests Fred Smith, Josh Schrei, Scott Blossom, Emily Glaser and the rest of the Satsangam team, to explore these ideas in an informal, conversational event, grounded in movement.

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