August Sessions of Vedic Threads: Prāṇa, the Mind and Haṭha Yoga with Robert Moses & Scott Blossom

Robert Moses and Dr. Scott Blossom will join Drs. Ramkumar & Claudia for a discussion on how we work with obstruction of the circulation of prāṇa through haṭha yoga practice and the role that the mind (manas) plays in the process. Scott and Robert will share with us the benefit we can experience when we use the mind to focus prāṇa on marma points (points where prāṇa stagnates in the body), and devotional practices like puja or prayer to resolve karmas that may be obstructing free-flowing prāṇa, or simply on circulating prāṇa. 

Healing Sounds Retreat: Chanting, Kirtan & Vocal Rāga

Vaidyagrama Healing Village

Sound, in the form of drumming, chanting, recitation, repetition of mantra, singing, instrumental music, and the ringing of bells has been an integral part of devotional traditions since ancient days. The various qualities and practices associated with sound exert a variety of effects on our well-being. During the five days of the retreat attendees will enjoy direct experience of the very different effects of these distinct manifestations of sound

Kathā Cikitsā: The Healing Power of Storytelling


Join Satsangam's team, including Drs. Robert Svoboda, Fred Smith Ramkumar, Claudia Welch, Scott Blossom, Kimberly Kubicke and the rest of the satsangam team and friends, in Taos, New Mexico to delve into the therapeutic dimensions of storytelling. The retreat is designed for those who cherish stories, as well as for anyone seeking to understand how to construct or choose stories that act as the right medicine in varied situations.

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