Yoga, one of the ṣāḍarśana– the six major philosophical systems of India, provides systematic methods to benefit the body, mind or spirit. Patanjlai’s Yoga Sutras (c. 150-200 C.E.), the principle text on Yoga, presents the classical eight-fold path that includes ethics, virtuous observances, the role of posture, the role of breathing practices, sensory withdrawal, and three stages of meditation that culminate in samādhi–a state of clear recognition of our ultimate nature, and the ultimate aim of yoga.
The philosophical basis of Yoga is inextricably linked to another one of the ṣāḍarśanas: sāṃkhya philosophy, which illustrates the descent of consciousness to matter. Sāṃkhya philosophy is foundational to the classical Yoga of Patanjali’s Sutras, which informs the practice of Haṭha Yoga. The more we study yoga as well as various teachers, traditions, texts, arts and sciences, the more we will see elements of yoga influencing and being influenced by them.
Satsangam’s Embodied Ayurveda & Yoga course introduces students to Haṭha Yoga, as well as Ayurveda, sāṃkhya, and Sanskrit.